Massage appointments can be made for either sixty minute or ninety minute sessions and can also be added to an acupuncture treatment for an additional charge. Nothing says deep relaxation like a massage followed by an acupuncture treatment!
As an additional service, I also offer therapeutic massage. This session is designed to suit your therapeutic needs as well as relax your mind and body. Deep tissue, sports massage, Swedish, and Chinese Tui Na styles can all be employed to address your specific health concerns.
Pregnancy massage provides essential support to the intensive work of “growing a baby.” The focus of this session is to relieve physical stress and support to the constantly changing needs of pregnancy. Massage has documented benefits to both the mother-to-be and to her developing child, such as fewer complications in labor, fewer postnatal complications for the infant, decreased stress hormone levels, reduced maternal anxiety, and improved sleep. Pregnancy pillows and bolsters are used to support the correct positioning of a pregnant mother to ensure a comfortable treatment.